Support Briana (2018-2019)


sent by grace covenant church TO over-the-rhine.

Briana graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2018 with a B.A. in Visual Studies and minor in Computer Science. She enjoys photography and anything that allows her to look at the world in new ways. She began to have a heart for inner-city and intercultural ministry in high school during which she participated for three years in The Hartford Project summer missions trip with her youth group. She is excited to see how God reveals more of his steadfastness, beauty, and mystery during her time in Over-the-Rhine, Ohio.

Briana’s Prayer Requests

  1. Please pray that Briana will come to a greater understanding of her own smallness in light of the greatness of God (John 3:30).
  2. Please pray that Briana will be filled with new energy to wake up each day and dedicate it to the Lord (Colossians 1:29).
  3. Please pray for boldness and determination that reflects God’s heart in reaching out to His children (Matthew 25:40).

To support Briana financially, click here.