Tiffany’s Testimony


sent by church of southland to east asia

Tiffany and her husband, Joel, currently live in Los Angeles, but they have a heart for long-term missions. She loves her job as a college ESL teacher, especially because she is learning many things that can be used on the missions field. It also gives her time to bake for her online bakery, SNACK by Tiffany! #shamelessplug


1. When did you go on your 1-yr internship?


2. Where do you currently attend church?

Tapestry LA Church

3. How did you decide to devote one year to serving as an intern?

It began with my first AMI missions trip to Over-the-Rhine, Ohio before my junior year in college. Until then, I’d never shared the gospel with anyone, and I understood missions as something reserved for only “Super-Christians.” That trip changed everything. In OTR, I began to understand God’s love for His children. When I returned home, I had a heart fueled for missions and desired to discover how my major (journalism) and missions could connect. This prompted me to apply for a summer internship with Operation Mobilization. There, I learned even more about God’s love, but I knew there was still more. When I returned to California, my college pastor approached me with the AMI 1-YR internship opportunity, and I was all in. The following year was spent preparing for the internship (and graduation), and in Spring 2011, AMI sent me as a 1-YR intern to East Asia.

4. During your time as an intern, what roles did you play?

During the first half of my internship, my primary roles were twofold: tutor and student. I was enrolled in Chinese classes to maintain my student visa, and I also homeschooled my missionary family’s two children. During the second half, I led weekly baking classes––and it was through these classes that my team began to build relationships with people in our city. God amazed me by making me a connecting link between them and our growing cell church. That being the case, I then had the immense privilege of getting more involved in leading worship, bible studies, and small group.

5. What is one realization or revelation that God showed you about Himself, people, or His kingdom as a result of your internship?

During the last few weeks of my internship, my team actually left for the U.S. This left me to care for our baby believers, causing me to pray more desperately for boldness and wisdom. God was nudging me out of my comfort zone behind-the-scenes to show me the importance of finding confidence in Him. He was also encouraging me and refining my ministry by showing me that missions isn’t just overseas. It’s a daily lifestyle and walk with Jesus, motivated by His Word. With this insight into God’s heart came a desire to better understand the Bible to relay His message. Essentially, God provided the internship as an opportunity to see His glory and get involved in His work. He used it to mold me into more of a Kingdom-minded follower, and it became an avenue that transformed my life.

6. How has your experience while interning influenced what you are doing now and what you hope to do in the future?

After my internship ended in June 2012, God provided me with a variety of experiences. I worked as a pastry chef for 18 months, but I couldn’t shake off the call to long-term missions so I joined Church of Southland’s staff in January 2014. There, I learned even more about God’s heart as I served in missions and children’s ministry while completing my Master’s in TESOL. After graduating in Fall 2016, my husband and I got married and we now attend Tapestry LA Church where we are receiving training to be sent out for long-term missions. On the field, I would plan to teach full-time, but I am also aware that I have much to learn about representing Jesus through my teaching.